Dies ist ein Archiv des alten Softwaretechnik Lehrstuhls der Universität des Saarlandes. Es ist nicht länger aktuell.


Softwaretechnik und mehr

Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik (Prof. Zeller)
Universität des Saarlandes – Informatik
Informatik Campus des Saarlandes
Campus E9 1 (CISPA)
66123 Saarbrücken
E-mail: zeller @ cs.uni-saarland.de
Telefon: +49 681 302-70970

Deutschsprachige Startseite Page d'acceuil en français English home page

Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen

Generating Software Tests
Software has bugs, and catching bugs can involve lots of effort. This book addresses this problem by automating software testing, specifically by generating tests automatically. Recent years have seen the development of novel techniques that lead to dramatic improvements in test generation and software testing. In this course, we explore these techniques - in theory and in code. mehr...
Software Praktikum (Herbst 2018)
Gruppen von 5 - 7 Studenten erstellen ein nicht-triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...
Master Seminar
Our weekly meeting for students preparing a thesis in software engineering. mehr...
Bachelor- und Master-Arbeiten
Herausforderungen, die Spaß machen. mehr...
Software Testing
Specification Mining
Automatic Parallelization
Mining Software Archives
Automated Debugging
Frühere Lehrveranstaltungen...

Frühere Lehrveranstaltungen

Summer 18

Software Praktikum (Herbst 2018)
Gruppen von 5 - 7 Studenten erstellen ein nicht-triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...
Advances in Security Testing
During the course of this seminar, we will discuss well established and upcoming techniques used in automated software testing for security issues. Students will present and discuss topics on a weekly basis. Topics include black and white box approaches, static and dynamic analysis, and test generation techniques, such as fuzzing. Students should already have basic knowledge about software systems and testing, i.e. Programming II and Sopra. Knowledge in security testing, e.g. from the lecture of the same name, is also welcome. mehr...
Security Testing
An advanced lecture on various topics in the area of Security Testing. mehr...
Input Inference Seminar
This seminar will discuss problem of automatically inferring input formats from programs and their use for fuzz testing mehr...
AppMining Seminar
This seminar will discuss the state of the art mining research for apps mehr...

Winter 17/18

Software Praktikum (Herbst 2017)
Gruppen von 6 - 7 Studenten erstellen ein nicht-triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...

Winter 16/17

Software Praktikum (Herbst 2016)
Gruppen von 6 - 7 Studenten erstellen ein nicht-triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...

Winter 15/16

Programming for Engineers (Winter 2015/16)
As part of the International Engineering Project, this course reprents an introduction to programming with Arduino boards and C. mehr...
Testing and the Cloud (Winter 2015/2016) - Registration is Closed. Kickoff date moved to 29.10
In this seminar, we will explore the state-of-the-art in Testing AND the Cloud. mehr...
Security Testing (Winter 2015/2016)
This seminar will combine two research directions, software testing and system security, into a common theme. mehr...
Analyzing and Testing Non-functional Software Properties (Winter 2015/2016)
In this seminar, we will discuss recent papers on analysis and testing of non-functional software properties. mehr...
Software Engineering (Winter 2015/2016)
Groups of 5-7 students work with real customers to develop a piece of software following best software engineering practices. mehr...
Software Praktikum (Herbst 2015)
Gruppen von 6 Studenten erstellen ein nicht-triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...
App Analysis (Seminar, Sommer 2015)
In diesem Seminar werden wir aktuelle Papers über Analysetechniken für mobile Anwendungen lesen. mehr...
Programmieren für Ingenieure (Sommer 2015)
Eine Einführung in die Programmierung mit Arduino-Boards und C. mehr...

Summer 2015

Software Praktikum (Herbst 2015)
Gruppen von 6 Studenten erstellen ein nicht-triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...
Programming for Engineers (Summer 2015)
An introduction to programming with Arduino boards and C. mehr...
App Analysis (Seminar, Summer 2015)
In this seminar, we will read recent papers about analysis techniques for mobile applications. mehr...

Winter 2014/15

Automated Debugging (Seminar, Winter 14/15)
In this seminar, we will read recent papers about existing advanced debugging methods. mehr...
Software Praktikum (Herbst 2014)
Gruppen von 6 Studenten erstellen ein nicht triviales Softwaresystem in Java. mehr...

Summer 2014

Generating Software Tests (Summer 2014)
This course will present various techniques to automatically generate tests. mehr...
Seminar on Speculative Parallelization (Summer 2014)
In this seminar we will take a look at the foundations and recent advances of speculative parallelization. mehr...
Programmieren für Ingenieure (Sommer 2014)
Eine Einführung in die Programmierung mit Arduino-Boards und C. mehr...

Winter 2013/14

Software Engineering (Winter 2013)
Groups of 5-7 students work with real customers to develop a piece of software following best software engineering practices mehr...
Software Lab (Fall 2013)
Groups of five students develop a non-trivial piece of software mehr...

Summer 2013

Mobile Testing and Analysis (Summer 2013)
A seminar on the existing testing and analysis techniques for mobile applications. mehr...
Software Testing (Sommer 2013)
Proseminar für Bachelor-Studierende: Grundlagen im Themenfeld Software Testing und automatischer Testgenerierung. mehr...

Winter 2012/13

Automated Debugging (Winter 2012)
An in-depth course (6 CP) on debugging that teaches how to debug programs systematically and automatically. mehr...
Automated Testing and Verification (Winter 2012)
An advanced course (6 CP) on testing and verification techniques. mehr...

Summer 2012

Software Lab (Fall 2012)
Groups of five students develop a non-trivial piece of software. mehr...
Software Engineering Core Lecture (Summer 2012)
Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software. You will do and learn amazing things in this lecture. mehr...
Self-Healing Systems (Summer 2012)
Despite the rigorous development methods to produce high quality software products, and despite the continuous progress of software testing and analysis techniques, software systems are still deployed with bugs. mehr...
Testing, Verification & Everything in Between (Summer 2012)
Testing is a powerful and widely used technique for software quality assurance, which is known to require significant resources in most software development projects. Testing is useful for showing the presence of bugs, not the absence of them. mehr...

Winter 2011/12

Specification Mining (Winter 2011/12)
Everybody agrees it is crucial to have specifications in software, yet 99% of all software does not have any of them. This seminar focuses on how to fix that by automatically mining specifications from software. mehr...

Winter 2010/11

Software Engineering (Winter 2010)
How does one systematically develop large software systems? In this core lecture, we explore systematic software development and maintenance, from requirements engineering to quality assurance. mehr...
Auf Fehlersafari (Winter 2010)
Proseminar für Bachelor-Studierende: Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Methoden zum Aufspüren und zum Vermeiden von Fehlern in Software. mehr...
Software Extension Project (Fall 2010)
Extend a large piece of software in a realistic setting! (Project Seminar) mehr...
Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung (Fall 2010)
Learn how software models drive the development process. mehr...

Summer 2010

Software Lab (Fall 2010)
Groups of five students develop a non-trivial piece of software. mehr...
Testing and Debugging (Summer 2010)
Does my program contain bugs, and what can I do against them? In this lecture you learn how to test for bugs and how to debug them. mehr...
Mining Software Archives (Summer 2010)
By attending this seminar you will get introduced to the most recent techniques of mining source code archives, developers communication and bugs history databases. mehr...
Parallele Programmiermuster (Summer 2010)
Study parallel programming from the software pattern perspective! (Proseminar). mehr...
Self-adaptive software (Summer 2010)
Understand current trends and techniques in self-adaptive software. (Proseminar). mehr...

Winter 2009/2010

Automated Testing (Winter 2009)
In this seminar, we investigate methods, tools, and problems related to the automation of software testing. mehr...
Software-Praktikum (Fall 2009)
Entwickeln Sie ein nicht-triviales Software-System in einem Team von f?nf Studierenden. Beginn: 1. September 2009. mehr...
Runtime Code Modification (Fall 2009)
Explore the range of software techniques that are available for modifying and synthesizing code at runtime! mehr...

Summer 2009

Software Engineering (Summer 2009)
How does one systematically develop large software systems? In this core lecture, we explore systematic software development and maintenance, from requirements engineering to quality assurance. mehr...
Programmierung 2 (Summer 2009)
Einführung in die imperative/objektorientierte Programmierung. mehr...
13 Wochen - 13 Sprachen (Summer 2009)
Proseminar für Bachelor-Studierende: In 13 Wochen lernen Sie 13 Programmiersprachen kennen. Ob funktionale, logische, oder imperative Programmierung: für jeden ist etwas dabei! mehr...

Winter 2008/2009

Automated Debugging (Winter 2008/09)
Why does my program fail? In this lecture, you can learn how to find failure causes automatically. mehr...
Automatic Parallelization (Winter 2008/09)
In this seminar we will discuss several different aspects of automatic parallelization. We will talk about recent research as well as older, but not widely known approaches. mehr...
Interpreters and Virtual Machines (Fall 2008)
In this seminar we take a close look at the inner working of interpreters. We study the Java and .NET virtual machines, optimization techniques, and interpreter semantics. mehr...

Summer 2008

Software-Praktikum (Sommer 2008)
Develop a project in a team mehr...
Programmierung 2 (Sommer 2008)
Einführung in die imperative/objektorientierte Programmierung. mehr...
Recommendation Systems (Summer 2008)
In this seminar, we investigate recommendation systems that are designed to assist in the process of software development and to make it less error prone, faster and cheaper. mehr...

Winter 2007/08

Software Engineering (Winter 2007/08)
Core lecture on systematic software development and maintenance — from requirements engineering to quality assurance. mehr...
Software Praktikum (Herbst 2007)
Programmieren im Team mehr...

Summer 2007

Programmierung 2 (Sommer 2007)
Einführung in die imperative/objektorientierte Programmierung. mehr...
Software Mining (Summer 2007)
How to mine programs and their history. mehr...

Winter 2006/2007

Proseminar (Winter 2006/2007)
Seminal Papers in Practical Security: How to give good presentations mehr...
Software Praktikum (Sommer 2006)
Software-Erstellung im Team. Start: 1. September 2006 mehr...

Summer 2006

Automated Debugging (Summer 2006)
Why does my program fail? In this lecture, you can learn how to find failure causes automatically. mehr...
Empirical Software Engineering (Summer 2006)
In this seminar, we investigate how to measure, understand, validate, or even improve software development. mehr...

Winter 2005/2006

Softwaretechnik (WS 2005/06)
In dieser Stammvorlesung lernen Sie, wie man große Software-Systeme baut — sowohl von der technischen als auch von der organisatorischen Seite mehr...
Programmierwerkzeuge (WS 2005/06)
In einem Proseminar lernen Sie, wie man Vorträge hält — in diesem Fall zu Werkzeugen der Programmierung. mehr...
Advanced Functional Programming (WS 2005/06)
A seminar about the best techniques used by functional programmers, so you can use them in your own work. mehr...

Summer 2005

Sabbatical — no courses

Winter 2004/2005

Software Evolution (Winter 2004/05)
What can we learn from software history? This seminar explores recent research and recent results. Initial meeting: October 21! mehr...

Summer 2004

Automated Debugging (Summer 2004)
Why does my program fail? Learn how to find failure causes automatically mehr...
Entwurf sicherer Software-Systeme (Summer 2004)
Lernen Sie die Grundlagen des Entwurfs sicherer Software. mehr...
Configurable Systems (Summer 2004)
Discuss about software configuration at compile time and run time. mehr...

Winter 2003/2004

Software-Praktikum (WS 2003/04)
Softwaretechnik ist »Programmieren im Großen« - große Aufgaben, große Systeme, große Teams. In dieser Vorlesung lernen Sie, wie man Softwaretechnik betreibt - theoretisch und praktisch. mehr...
Softwaretechnik (WS 2003/04)
In dieser Vorlesung lernen Sie fortgeschrittene Techniken der Softwaretechnik - von Software-Prozessen über Programmierkonzepte bis zur kompletten Projektorganisation. mehr...

Summer 2003

Einführung in die Softwaretechnik (Summer 2003)
Softwaretechnik ist »Programmieren im Großen« - große Aufgaben, große Systeme, große Teams. In dieser Vorlesung lernen Sie, wie man Softwaretechnik betreibt - theoretisch und praktisch. mehr...

Winter 2002/2003

Perspektiven der Informatik (WS 2002/03)
In dieser Ringvorlesung stellen wir aktuelle Themen und Perspektiven der Informatik vor. Für Informatik-Studierende im ersten Semester und alle Interessierten. mehr...
Automated Debugging (WS 2002/03)
Why does my program fail? This course teaches methods to determine failure causes automatically - by program analysis and experimentation mehr...
Software-Design-Praktikum (WS 2002/03)
Praktikum im Grundstudium. mehr...

Summer 2002

Softwaretechnik II (Summer 2002)
In dieser Vorlesung lernen Sie fortgeschrittene Techniken der Softwaretechnik - von Software-Prozessen über Programmierkonzepte bis zur kompletten Projektorganisation. mehr...
Programmanalyse (Summer 2002)
Wie kann ich das Verstehen großer Programme erleichtern? Dieses Seminar betrachtet aktuelle Forschungsthemen. mehr...
Software-Design-Praktikum (Summer 2002)
Praktikum im Grundstudium. mehr...

Winter 2001/2002

Softwaretechnik I (WS 2001/02)
Softwaretechnik ist »Programmieren im Großen« - große Aufgaben, große Systeme, große Teams. In dieser Vorlesung lernen Sie, wie man Softwaretechnik betreibt - theoretisch und praktisch. mehr...
Programmierwerkzeuge (WS 2001/02)
Wie Konzepte der Softwaretechnik in praktischen Werkzeugen realisiert werden, lernen Sie hier. mehr...

Vorträge, Kurse, usw.

Lehrerfortbildung Dagstuhl (Nov. 2001)
Folien zu den Vorträgen. mehr...

Impressum Datenschutzerklärung

<webmaster@st.cs.uni-saarland.de> · http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/edu/?lang=de · Stand: 2018-04-05 13:40