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Memory Graphs
Capturing Program States

Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik (Prof. Zeller)
Universität des Saarlandes – Informatik
Informatik Campus des Saarlandes
Campus E9 1 (CISPA)
66123 Saarbrücken
E-mail: zeller @ cs.uni-saarland.de
Telefon: +49 681 302-70970

Deutschsprachige Startseite Page d'acceuil en français English home page
   Did you ever want to know what your program data looks like? Memory Graphs capture program states as graphs, allowing for data visualization as well as for advanced analysis of program states.

What's New

About Memory Graphs

GCC memory graph
GCC memory graph (screen shot)
  • Did you ever want to know what your program data looks like? Memory graphs represent the memory of a program. They consist of vertices for the memory content and edges for the possible access paths.
  • Memory Graphs are captured automatically by unfolding all accessible data structures in the program. All common data structures like structs, unions, arrays or pointers are properly represented.


  • What does one do with memory graphs? Our most important application is to detect common subgraphs to isolate differences between program states - especially differences that cause a failure. This is used to isolate cause-effect chains in computer programs.
  • The next thing is to visualize data structures in memory automatically - in the style of DDD, but capturing the entire program state. The amount of data makes this a challenge for graph drawing and graph layout.
  • Since we're working on graphs, another idea is to apply graph algorithms - to detect specific trouble spots or invariant violations.
  • Right now, all this is work in progress. Bookmark this page for recent information and contact us if you want to contribute.


  • Visualizing Memory Graphs. T. Zimmermann, A. Zeller; Proc. of the Dagstuhl Seminar 01211 "Software Visualization", Dagstuhl, Germany, May 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2269, Springer-Verlag, pp. 191--204.
    Abstract. To understand the dynamics of a running program, it is often useful to examine its state at specific moments during its execution. We present memory graphs as a means to capture and explore program states. A memory graph gives a comprehensive view of all data structures of a program; data items are related by operations like dereferencing, indexing or member access. Although memory graphs are typically too large to be visualized as a whole, one can easily focus on specific aspects using well-known graph operations. For instance, a greatest common subgraph visualizes commonalities and differences between program states.

  • Isolating Cause-Effect Chains from Computer Programs. Andreas Zeller; Proc. ACM SIGSOFT 10th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-10), Charleston, South Carolina, November 2002.
    Abstract. Consider the execution of a failing program as a sequence of program states. Each state induces the following state, up to the failure. Which variables and values of a program state are relevant for the failure? We show how the Delta Debugging algorithm isolates the relevant variables and values by systematically narrowing the state difference between a passing run and a failing run - by assessing the outcome of altered executions to determine wether a change in the program state makes a difference in the test outcome. Applying Delta Debugging to multiple states of the program automatically reveals the cause-effect chain of the failure - that is, the variables and values that caused the failure.
    In a case study, our prototype implementation successfully narrowed down the cause-effect chain for a failure of the GNU C compiler: ``Initially, the C program to be compiled contained an addition of 1.0; this caused an addition operator in the intermediate RTL representation; this caused a cycle in the RTL tree - and this caused the compiler to crash.''


All example graphs are available in multiple file formats:
Graph layout file for the Graphviz graph drawing package.
Encapsulated PostScript. Generated with the dot graph layouter (from the Graphviz package). You need a PostScript viewer such as Ghostscript to view these files.
jpeg, png
Bitmap image formats. Generated from eps files.
We are happy to produce any other graph format at your request.

The graphs include the following information:

All variables of the program itself.
with runtime library
Same, but including memory of the runtime library. These graphs are huge.
without merging
Same, but without merging of arrays or struct members to single vertices. These graphs are even larger.


Userinfo memory graph
Userinfo memory graph (excerpt)
A program that issues information about users. [Source: userinfo.C · hostname.C · hostname.h · config.h · bool.h]
The memory graph was captured before the call of is_letter.

Graph Vertices Edges Download
Standard 12 26 dot · eps · jpeg · png


A simple test program to show how unions and structs are unfolded. [Source: structtest.c]
The memory graph was captured before the call of _break.

Graph Vertices Edges Download
Standard 12 21 dot · eps · jpeg · png
with runtime library 1181 7318 dot · eps
without merging 4052 7318 dot · eps


Arrtest memory graph
Arrtest memory graph with runtime library (excerpt)
A simple test program to show how arrays are unfolded. [Source: arrtest.c]
The memory graph was captured before the call of _break.

Graph Vertices Edges Download
Standard 8 12 dot · eps · jpeg · png
with runtime library 1177 7309 dot · eps
without merging 4044 7309 dot · eps


Another small test program. [Source: schnitzl.c]
The memory graph was captured before the call of function2.

Graph Vertices Edges Download
Standard 8 10 dot · eps · jpeg · png


A large memory graph, depicting the state of GCC 2.95.2.
The memory graph was captured before the call of combine_instructions. The dot layouter can not handle graphs of this size; instead, we used Tamara Munzner's h3viewer to generate these visualizations.

Actually, this graph represents an infected (faulty) program state: One single pointer points to the wrong element, causing GCC to crash. Read the whole story here.

Graph Vertices Edges Download
Standard 71991 81646 dot · eps · jpeg · png


A large memory graph, depicting the state of Python 2.2.

Graph Vertices Edges Download
Standard 29912 30960 dot · eps · jpeg · png




Contact us

  • Your feedback is welcome! Please send all enquiries about Memory Graphs to Andreas Zeller.

Impressum Datenschutzerklärung

<webmaster@st.cs.uni-saarland.de> · http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de//memgraphs/?lang=de · Stand: 2018-04-05 13:41