// $Id: userinfo.C,v 2001/10/05 15:35:56 cleve Exp $ -*- C++ -*- // Issue name and e-mail address of building user // Copyright (C) 1998 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany. // Written by Andreas Zeller . // // This file is part of DDD. // // DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public // License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING. // If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // DDD is the data display debugger. // For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page, // `http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/', // or send a mail to the DDD developers . char userinfo_rcsid[] = "$Id: userinfo.C,v 2001/10/05 15:35:56 cleve Exp $"; #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "config.h" #include "hostname.h" #include "bool.h" extern "C" { #if HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif } #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "hostname.C" // Return true if C is a letter found in real user names. Any // non-ASCII characters are considered letters. inline bool is_letter(char c) { return c != '\0' && (!isascii(c) || isalpha(c) || isspace(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '\'' || c == '_'); } // Return true if C is a letter not found in e-mail addresses inline bool is_junk(char c) { return c == '\0' || isspace(c) || c == '\"' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' || c == ';'; } // Return e-mail address from preferences file DOTRC in HOME dir. // Format of preferences line is `TAG E-MAIL-ADDRESS'. static char *email_from_preferences(char *home, char *dotrc, char *tag) { char preferences[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(preferences, home); strcat(preferences, "/"); strcat(preferences, dotrc); FILE *fp = fopen(preferences, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { char line[BUFSIZ]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (strncmp(line, tag, strlen(tag)) == 0) { static char buffer[BUFSIZ]; char *s = line + strlen(tag); char *t = buffer; while (is_junk(*s)) s++; while (!is_junk(*s) && *s != '\0') *t++ = tolower(*s++); *t++ = '\0'; fclose(fp); return buffer; } } fclose(fp); } return 0; } // Return e-mail address from signature file DOTRC in HOME dir. Find // the first `@' and return the surrounding string. static char *email_from_signature(char *home, char *dotrc) { char signature[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(signature, home); strcat(signature, "/"); strcat(signature, dotrc); FILE *fp = fopen(signature, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { char line[BUFSIZ]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { char *s = strchr(line, '@'); if (s != 0) { static char buffer[BUFSIZ]; char *t = buffer; while (!isspace(*s) && s != line) s--; while (isspace(*s)) s++; while (!isspace(*s) && *s != '\0') *t++ = tolower(*s++); *t++ = '\0'; fclose(fp); return buffer; } } fclose(fp); } return 0; } // Return e-mail address from PWD at current host. static char *email_from_pwd(struct passwd *pwd) { static char buffer[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(buffer, pwd->pw_name); strcat(buffer, "@"); strcat(buffer, fullhostname()); return buffer; } // Check if S looks like an e-mail address. S must contain a `@' and // a `.', neither at the beginning nor at the end. static bool is_email(char *s) { if (s == 0) return false; char *at = strchr(s, '@'); if (at == 0 || at == s || at[1] == '\0') return false; char *dot = strchr(s, '.'); if (dot == 0 || dot == s || dot[1] == '\0') return false; return true; } // Return an e-mail address for user PWD. static char *email(struct passwd *pwd) { char *s = 0; // Try Netscape and Lynx preferences // Netscape 4.0 if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_preferences(pwd->pw_dir, ".netscape/preferences.js", "user_pref(\"mail.identity.useremail\","); // Netscape 3.0 if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_preferences(pwd->pw_dir, ".netscape/preferences", "EMAIL_ADDRESS:"); // Netscape 2.0 and earlier if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_preferences(pwd->pw_dir, ".netscape-preferences", "EMAIL_ADDRESS:"); // Lynx if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_preferences(pwd->pw_dir, ".lynxrc", "personal_mail_address="); // Try .dot files used for e-mail and fingering if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_signature(pwd->pw_dir, ".signature"); if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_signature(pwd->pw_dir, ".Sig"); if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_signature(pwd->pw_dir, ".project"); if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_signature(pwd->pw_dir, ".plan"); // Try e-mail address from current host name if (!is_email(s)) s = email_from_pwd(pwd); // Tried it all, and failed :-( if (!is_email(s)) s = "unknown"; return s; } // Write user information for given ARG int userinfo(char *arg = 0) { struct passwd *pwd = 0; if (arg == 0) { // Get info for current user pwd = getpwuid(getuid()); } else if (isdigit(arg[0])) { // Get info for numerical id pwd = getpwuid(atoi(arg)); } else { // Get info for user name pwd = getpwnam(arg); } if (pwd == 0) { fputs(arg, stderr); fputs(": no such passwd entry\n", stderr); return 1; } // Issue real name char *s = pwd->pw_gecos; while (is_letter(*s) || isdigit(*s)) putchar(*s++); if (s == pwd->pw_gecos) { // No real name given; try user id if (pwd->pw_name[0]) { s = pwd->pw_name; while (is_letter(*s++)) ; if (*s != '\0') { // User id contains non-letters => probably a symbolic // name => leave it unchanged. fputs(pwd->pw_name, stdout); } else { // User id is a real name => capitalize it. fputc(toupper(pwd->pw_name[0]), stdout); fputs(pwd->pw_name + 1, stdout); } } else { // No user id. This is weird. fputs("Unknown ", stdout); } } // Lookup preferences files for the e-mail address. fputs(" <", stdout); fputs(email(pwd), stdout); fputs(">\n", stdout); return 0; } // Issue the name of the building user, in the format // ``REALNAME '' int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 1) return userinfo(); int ret = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) ret |= userinfo(argv[i]); return ret; }