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Eclipse Plug-Ins
Automated Debugging and Software Evolution at your Fingertips

Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik (Prof. Zeller)
Universität des Saarlandes – Informatik
Informatik Campus des Saarlandes
Campus E9 1 (CISPA)
66123 Saarbrücken
E-mail: zeller @ cs.uni-saarland.de
Telefon: +49 681 302-70970

Deutschsprachige Startseite Page d'acceuil en français English home page

The Eclipse project at the Software Engineering Chair aims at porting automated debugging and software evolution tools to the Eclipse platform. The projects won three Eclipse Innovation Grants (automated debugging in 2003 and 2005 and software evolution in 2004).

What's new

Automated Debugging in Eclipse

We realized two Eclipse plug-ins that automatically determine why your program fails: These plug-ins integrate with JUnit tests: As soon as a test fails, they automatically determine the failure cause. You don't even have to press a button—just wait for the diagnosis.

DDinput: Failure-Inducing Input

Find out which part of the input causes your program to fail:
The program fails when the input contains <SELECT>.
This plug-in applies Delta Debugging to program inputs, as described in Simplifying and Isolating Failure-Inducing Input.

Available for download.

DDchange: Failure-Inducing Changes

Find out which change causes your program to fail:
The change in Line 45 makes the program fail.
This plug-in applies Delta Debugging to program changes, as described in Yesterday, my program worked. Today, it does not. Why?.

Available for download.

DDstate: Failure-Inducing States

Find out which variables and values cause your program to fail.
First, argc was 3; therefore, a[2] became 0, and thus the output contained "0"—and that's why the program failed.
This plug-in applies Delta Debugging to program states, as described in Isolating Cause-Effect Chains from Computer Programs and as realized in the AskIgor debugging server. This is tricky work, as we have to figure out how to capture, compare, and transfer Java states.

Available for download via update site. Use as Remote Site within Eclipse (go to Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install -> Search for new features to install -> New Remote Site): http://www.st.cs.uni-sb.de/eclipse/update-site/ddstate/

Source code available for download.

Software Evolution in Eclipse

eROSE: Guiding Programmers Along Related Changes

We realized an Eclipse plug-in that automatically suggests related changes:
"Programmers who have changed f() also changed..."
This plug-in applies data mining to version histories, as described in Mining Version Histories to Guide Software Changes. Our current ROSE prototype requires a full-fledged database installation; we are working on a stand-alone plug-in for general use.

Available for download.

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Browse Archives at groups-beta.google.com


Impressum Datenschutzerklärung

<webmaster@st.cs.uni-saarland.de> · http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de//eclipse/?lang=de · Stand: 2018-04-05 13:40