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Yana Momchilova Mileva
Research Interests

Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik (Prof. Zeller)
Universität des Saarlandes – Informatik
Informatik Campus des Saarlandes
Campus E9 1 (CISPA)
66123 Saarbrücken
E-mail: mileva @ cs.uni-saarland.de
Telefon: +49 681 302-70989

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   [ Yana M Mileva | Publications | Research | Teaching ]
Research Interests

Research Contributions

The main focus of my PhD thesis was the analysis of software components evolution. In order to track the evolution of software components, one needs to collect the evolution information of each component. This information is being stored in the version control system (VCS) of the project--the repository of the history of events happening throughout the project's lifetime. By using software archive mining techniques one can extract and leverage this information. The main contribution of my PhD thesis is the introduction of evolution usage trends and evolution change patterns. The raw information about the occurrences of each component is being stored in the VCS of the project and by organizing it in evolution trends and patterns, we are able to draw conclusions and issue recommendations concerning each individual component and the project as a whole.

  • Evolution Trend An evolution trend is a way to track the evolution of a software component throughout the span of the project. The trend shows the increases and decreases in the usage of a specific component, which can be indicative of the quality of this component. AKTARI is a tool, presented in this thesis, that is based on such evolution trends and can be used by the software developers to observe and draw conclusions about the behavior of their project.
  • Evolution Patterns We call an evolution pattern, the pattern of a frequently occurring code change throughout the span of the project. Those frequently occurring changes are project-specific and are explanatory of the way the project evolves. Each such change evolution pattern contains in itself the specific way "things are done" in the project and as such can serve for defect detection and defect prevention. This technique is being implemented as a basis for our LAMARK tool.

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<webmaster@st.cs.uni-saarland.de> · http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de//~mileva/research.php?lang=en · Stand: 2012-01-26 16:18