Extending Dynamic Constraint Detection with Polymorphic Analysis Nadya Kuzmina and Ruben Gamboa
Data Structure Health Nick Mitchell, Gary Sevitsky, Palani Kumanan and Edith Schonberg
Event-based Consistency Checking between UML Class Models
and their Implementations Kun Wang and Wuwei Shen
Industrial Evaluation of a Log File Analysis Methodology Donald Yantzi and James Andrews
Identifying Data Transfer Objects in EJB Applications Alexandar Pantaleev and Atanas Rountev
Efficient Classloading Strategies for Interprocedural Analyses
in the Presence of Dynamic Classloading Kyungwoo Lee, Qasim Ali and Samuel P. Midkiff
Coffee Break
Discussion: The future of dynamic analysis
Farewell and goodbye
Social Events & Meetings
Keynote: Scalable Dynamic Analysis for Automated Fault Location and Avoidance
Rajiv Gupta
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Techniques for generation, storage, and analysis of execution traces
are critical to addressing many complex problems. For example,
execution traces can be analyzed to drive automated techniques for
locating faults and detecting security vulnerabilities. However, the
memory needed to maintain comprehensive trace information (including
control flow, value, address, and dependence profiles) can be very
large and the time needed to perform dynamic analysis on the traces
can be long.
In this talk I will describe a framework for tracing that achieves its
scalability via checkpointing/logging based demand-driven collection
of relevant traces and a highly compacted representation of the
collected traces. We have successfully employed this framework in
tracing long running multithreaded applications. The traces collected
have been used to perform dynamic slicing based fault location as well
as fault avoidance in several applications.
Call for Papers
Dynamic analysis techniques are increasingly used to complement more
traditional static analysis. Approaches based on static analysis
operate on a static representation of the program, consider all
possible (and some infeasible) behaviors, and are thus complete, but
often imprecise. Dynamic analysis techniques, conversely, reason over
a set of program executions and analyze only observed behaviors.
Dynamic analysis includes both offline techniques, which operate on
some captured representation of the system's behavior (e.g., a trace),
and runtime techniques, which analyzes the system's behavior on the
fly, while the system is executing. Although inherently incomplete,
dynamic analyses can be more precise than their static counterpart and
show promise in aiding the understanding, development, and maintenance
of robust and reliable large-scale systems. In the last years, both
practitioners and researchers are realizing that the limitations of
static analysis can be overcome by integrating static and dynamic
analysis, and that the performance of dynamic analysis can in turn be
improved by leveraging static analysis.
The overall goal of WODA 2007 is to bring together researchers and
practitioners working in all areas of dynamic analysis to discuss new
issues, share results and ongoing works, and foster collaborations.
This workshop will focus on achieving a consensus among the
participants as to the structure of the field, the important future
research directions this field should take, inputs needed from other
research areas, and outputs that could benefit other research domains.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Development of dynamic analysis tools and frameworks
Efficient instrumentation techniques
Fault detection and debugging
Optimization techniques
Program evolution
Remote analysis and measurement of software systems
Runtime monitoring
Software testing
Statistical reasoning techniques
Synergies between static and dynamic analysis techniques
Visualization and classification of program behavior
The workshop will be a one-full-day workshop, structured to encourage
discussion and develop research collaborations. All presentations will
be limited to 20 minutes. Each session will include three
presentations and additional time at the end for a mini-panel with the
presenters, to foster discussion.
Accepted WODA papers will be included in the ICSE proceedings and thus
be accessible to the workshop participants before the workshop to
facilitate interaction and discussion. WODA papers will also be
published in the ACM Digital
Library. In addition, selected papers will be invited for
submission to a special issue of Elsevier's international journal on
and Software Technology.
All deadlines are strict — no extensions shall be given.
Papers must follow the ICSE 2007 Format
and Submission Guidelines and must not exceed 7 pages, including
figures and references. All submissions must be in English. Papers
must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the WODA
conference system (now closed).
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three PC
members. Acceptance will be primarily based on content quality,
workshop relevance, and potential to generate discussion.
Conference Chairs
Alessandro Orso, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Andreas Zeller, Saarland University, Germany
Contact the organizers at woda07 at measure.cc.gt.atl.ga.us.
Program Committee
Jonathan Cook, New Mexico State University, USA
Brian Demsky, University of California, Irvine, USA
Matt Dwyer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Neelam Gupta, University of Arizona, USA
Ben Liblit, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Darko Marinov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Ana Milanova, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Mauro Pezzé, University Milano Bicocca, Italy
Andy Podgurski, Case Western Reserve University, USA